Due to the amount of information in many  of these weddings, I am only listing the date of marriage or newspaper date (nsp) and names.  Some go into great detail in setting, gowns, decorations,  etc., and do not feel this is necessary for genealogy




March 21, 1920 (nsp)


John A. Reed of Grand Rapids and Winnifred D. Patterson of Owosso were married by Rev. J. W. Koyle at the parsonage of the Corunna Ave., M. E. Church in Owosso.  Mrs. Reed was formerly Miss Winnie Wellman of this place.  They were attended by Wilfred D. Wellman and Mrs. Oscar Fisher.  Mr. and Mrs. Reed will be making their home in Owosso where he is employed as a railroad man.


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February 27, 1920


A quiet double wedding took place at the home of Rev. V. J. Buxton on East High street Feb. 27th when Miss Wanda Mae Buxton, daughter of Rev. V. J. Buxton was married to Earl Fifield and Miss Anna Bell Stilwell became the bride of Edwin Suzore.  Rev. J. A. Rowe was the officiating clergyman.


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Christmas Day, 1920


Harold Austin of Shepherd and Miss Louise Hetherington were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hetherington on Christmas Day, by Elder A. T. Harris of the Strickland Baptist church.  The couple will make their home 3-1/2 miles east of Shepherd.


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March 25, 1920 (nsp)


Orus McNeal of Chippewa and Inez Kniffen of Mt. Pleasant were married at the Presbyterian manse March 20th.  They were attended by Nina Kniffen, sister of the bride and Emmet McNeal, brother of the groom.  Rev. Joseph H. Green officiated.


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(no date other than 1920)


Fred Flory of Chippewa twp. and Nora Weller of this city were married by Rev. L. L. Hanthorne.  They will make their home on a farm between here and Shepherd.


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Feburary 17, 1920


Louis H. Nelson of Alma and Miss Freda Girven, formerly of this village, were married at Ithaca Feb. 14th at the Presbyterian parsonage by Rev. Wm. Rogers.  The young couple were attended by Anna and Howard Girven, brother and sister of the bride.  They will be making their home in Alma.


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June 8, 1920


Miss Ida Sage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sage of Elberta and Claude M. Coomer, son of Mrs. Cora Coomer of this village were married at the home of the bride, Rev. A. J. Morris officiating.

A dinner was servered after the wedding with these guests attending:  Mrs. Harry Coomer and sons, Earl and Hubert;  Mrs. Nelson Hunt and Mrs. Cora Comer, sister and mother of the groom;  Mrs. Julia Sage and daughter, Anna, and Rev. and Mrs. Morris and son, Floyd.

The bride has been a teacher the last two years, teaching last year at Weidman .  They will make their home with the groom's mother.


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October 27, 1920


Mr. John W. Sawade was united in marriage to Miss Florence Duke of Mt. Pleasant at his father's home in Lincoln twp.

The bride and groom were attended by Miss Hazel Sawade and F. L. Harry. 

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Harry and Carl Merrill of Shepherd were present, along with immediate family members.

The couple will make their home in Shepherd.


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August 25, 1920


Miss Elizabeth Ann Riches and Rudolph Dueltgen were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Riches in Flint by Rev. T. G. Steininger.


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October 21, 1920


Mrs. Emma Bugsbee and Mt. Struble were married at the home of Mr. Irad W. Struble.  They were attended by Miss Floy Struble and Mr. N. W. Struble, with Rev. Henry W. Ellinger officiating.


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April 17, 1920


Mr. Grover Fitzgerald of Detroit and Miss Vena Childs of Shepherd were married at St. Louis by Rev. Wilson of the Christian church.

Dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Childs.  The couple will make their home in Detroit.


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November 24, 1920


Vern Hapner and Miss Helen Bacome of Shepherd were married in the Methodist parsonage by Rev. L. L.  Hanthorne.


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July 20, 1920


Matthew P. Viergever of Grand Rapids and Miss Vivian Gould of this city were married by Rev. L. L. Hanthorne at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gould.

The bride was attended by Miss Marjorie Phelps of Grand Rapids.  The best man was Dr. Howard Chapin of Jenison.  Miss Gladys Roe of Portland sang and Miss Lela Ennis, head of the piano dept. of the conservatory of music inPontiac played  the wedding march.  Miss Martha Purdy of Greenville was also an out of town friend who was here for the wedding.

Miss Grace Woolwroth presided at the punch bowl and Mrs. Ilma Richmond, Mrs. Claire Ruckle and Miss Edna Dingman served the wedding supper.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Viergever of Grand Rapids and is in business in that city where the couple will reside.

Mr. Viergever, Sr., is sheriff of Kent county and he and his wife and their son, Arthur, and Mrs. Daniel Viergever of the same city were here for the wedding.

The bride has been teaching the last three years in Granville and Middleton schools.

Miss Grace Woolworth entertained at a luncheon in the bride's honor at the Park Hotel and Miss Fraser at a dinner at the Bennett house.  Misses Edna Dingman and Louise Schupbach gave a theater party and Mrs. May Sherman and Miss Bernice Sherman entertained friends in her honor at dinner at the Park Hotel.


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May 7, 1920


Mr. Reid L. Bohannon and Miss Ruby May Kelly were married at the Methodist parsonage.  They were accompanied by Mr. Francis Fairchild and Miss Helen Doty.  The bride has been teaching the last 2 years and this year she taught at the Bohannon District School.

They will make their home at the Bohannon farm north of Pleasant Valley.


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October 4, 1920


Miss Edith, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lowry on N. Pine street and Frank Housel, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.C. V. Housel, were married at the home of the bride's parents by the Rev. John Roberts, with Betty Thorald, niece of the bride, as ring bearer.

The bride has been employed at the post office the last several months.  Previouse to this time she was in the employ of Mrs. Frances E. Burns for several years.  The groom is a member of the C. V. Housel & Sons firm, and has been employed in the market as meat cutter, previous to and since his return from the service in the U. S. Army in France.

The couple will be spending the winter in Florida.


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July 17, 1920


Randolph Newman and Miss Minnie Robinson were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, in Alma, by Rev. C. D. Foster.


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December 3, 1920


William Reynolds of Shepherd and Mrs. Etta Shattuck of Lansing were married at the M. E. parsonage in Lansing.  The couple will be making their home in Shepherd.


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January 1, 1920


Miss Jennie L. Conroy was united in marriage to Phil H. Servoss at the Shepherd St. Vincent de Paul's church by Rev. Fr. Mulvey.

Miss Agnes Thurston of Vernon attended the bride and John Conroy, brother of the bride, attended the groom.

The couple will be making their home on their farm in Chippewa twp.


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(no date other than 1920)


Ralph Stiles and Gladys Wolfe were married at the parsonage of the Church of Christ.  The couple was attended by Denzil Wolfe and Lorretia Whitney.  They will be making their home in Detroit.


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September 30, 1920


Jack Tobias of Detroit, and Miss Bernice Fuller of St. Louis were married at the Methodist parsonage at Ithaca, Sept. 20th by Rev. L. L. Dewey.  They will reside in Detroit where Mr. Tobias has a position with the General Motors company.  Miss Fuller is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuller of this city.


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May 22, 1920


Hollis Adair Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Clark and Miss Thora Norene Stahlman, daughter of Mrs. F. C. Stahlman were married at the M. E. parsonage.  They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Audley Stahlman.

A dinner was served after the wedding at the home of the bride's mother with the following guests present:  Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Clark,  Mr. and Mrs. Audley Stahlman,  Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones and daughter, Dorothy Elaine of Detroit; Sumner Young and Mrs. F. C. Stahlman.

The couple will reside in Detroit where the groom is employed with the Hudson Motor factory.  Mr. Clark spent his entire childhood in Shepherd until about 6 years ago, when he entered the service of the Hudson Motor company.


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Christmas Day, 1920


Lysle Bentley and Miss Ferne Goolthrite, both of Mt. Pleasant, were married at the Methodist parsonage.  They were attended by the bride's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goolthrite.

The couple will make their home in this city.


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October 21, 1920


Miss Mardelle Mae, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cox and Mr. Melvin Packer were married at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. Mullett of Shepherd with Miss Neva Packer as bridesmaid and Leroy Packer as best man.  The ring was carried by little Miss Beulah Behler.

The couple will reside at Chelsea, MI, where the groom is employed.


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October 16, 1920


Mr. Chester E. Wonch of Olean, New York and Miss Goldie Reynolds of Shepherd were married in Mrs. Armstrong's home on Orchard Ave.

The couple was attended by Wm. Reynolds and Mrs. Harry.

They will make their home in Olean, NY where Mr. Wonch is working on the railroad.


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September 1920


Ernest Fenby of Alma and Miss Myrtle Anthony of Midland were married by the Rev. Yinger at the latter's home.  Mr. and Mrs. Claude Anthony accompanied the bride and groom.


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