Mt. Pleasant High School 1918 Yearbook


Student Listings


Senior Class


Anastasia Mayne                                             Nellie Walton

                                   Calvin Otis                                                        Carl Imhoff

                                   Florence Neebes                                             Helena Mayne

                                   Silas Kring                                                        Ray Gogarn

                                   Joyce Tice                                                        Zilpha Hapner

                                   Abner Dunning                                                 Gerald Wilcox

                                   Anna Sampson                                                Ursulla Mayne

                                   William Phillips                                                August Schohl

                                   Coral Taylor                                                     Bertha Graham

                                   Bliss Preston                                                   Norris Hanks

                                   Alice Wadle                                                     Mildred Crawford

                                   Lee Lynch                                                        Alton Small

                                   Norma Dunn                                                    Marvel Lathrop

                                   Roy Matteson                                                  Lysle Johnston

                                   Emma Hobbs                                                  Florence Keith

                                   Thomas Sisco                                                 Leone Sage

                                   Louise Parkhill                                                Thelma Garner

     Charles Patterson                                          Carl Bozer

     Elnora Saunders                                            Ona Smith

     Bernard Campbell                                         Harry Myers

     Amanda Burch                                               Anita Stilson

     Ben Lewis                                                      Vera Hardgrove

     Mary Getchell                                                 Florence Brown

     Earl Mead                                                      Alta Ayling

Junior Class

                                Grace Armstrong                                         Ernest Orser

                                Irene Ayling                                                   Eva Orser

                                Fred Beddow                                               Elmer Pease

                                John Beddow                                               Haldon Robinson

                                Elsie Behrend                                              Roy Robinson

                                Ruth Brown                                                   Frank Sage

  Lyle Buxton                                                   Mary Ruth Sanford

 Nanette Carnahan                                         Nellie Seaton   

Thelma Dersnah                                           Gladys Sensebaugh

Gertrude Mae Dodds                                     Jessie Smith

CharlotteDunnigan                                         Chester Spring

Helen Goodnough                                          Pauline Spring

Balmer Gorham                                              Helen Stirling

Mildred Graham                                             Gladys Stutting

Genevieve Graham                                        Leland Taggart

Dale Grauber                                                  Francis Thayer

May Grinnel                                                     Don Ubele

Howard Guthrie                                              Munroe Van Riper

Grace Hobson                                                Irma Walton

Nellie Imhoff                                                    Walter Warner

Sidney Kennedy                                             Evan Weidman

Mary Louise Maxwell                                     Elva Wilbur

Louis Meyers                                                 Grace Woolworth

George Middlesworth                                   Norma Young

Shirley MacGillivray

Sophmore Class

Lela Clark                                                     Marguerite Stutting

Pierson Mosher                                           Olive Brown

Gertrude Porterfield                                    Charles Egbert

Edward Gilpin                                              Gladys Lamb

Harold Tucker                                              Thayer Walsh

Rosella Merrill                                              Bertha Thorpe

William Morgan                                           Berdella Campbell

Alice Rowlader                                           Carrie Sisco

Helen Rowlader                                          George Lance

Willard Stanton                                            Marguerite Plowman

Marion Sampson                                         Bruce Calkins

Carl Jennings                                               Corabelle Morse

Marja Ferris                                                  William Holcomb

Bernice Doud                                               Ellen Allen

Floyd Bush                                                    Nina Seaton

Hazen Moore                                                Nellie Levoy

Dorothy Hubbard                                         Mamie Spring

Lola Freeman                                              Elden McMacken

Louetta Freeman                                        Karl Kipfmueller

Fern Goothrite                                             Mildred Ulam

John Van Lammeren                                  Mildred McDonald

Alfred Newberge                                         Bernice Graham

Guy Oliver                                                    Eunice Slentz

Betty Hodgins                                              Harold McMacken

Ray McLeash                                               William Lawrence

Floyd Bowers                                               Gerald Middlesworth

Fred Hersee                                                 Ronald Larzelere

Dale Figg                                                     Violet Whitsell


Freshman Class

Elsie Ayris                                                     Watson Hobson

Dora Bacon                                                   Clair Hoover

Carrie Baumgart                                           Erma Hoover

Herbert Beddow                                           Coral Horrway

Syrl Blacklock                                                Phyllis Johnston

Marion Brandenburg                                     Gladys Keller

Glen Brookens                                               Elizabeth Kelly

Olive Brookens                                               Harold Kniffen

Roland Brown                                                 Gladys Lamb

Iva May Burgess                                             Helen Lethorn

Beatrice Cady                                                Thelma Livingstone

Doreathea Collins                                          Ethel Masche

Ivan Cole                                                         Glenora Mogg

Louise Cook                                                  Carlyle Montgomery

Arthur Cooper                                                Dale Morton

Milan Crapo                                                   Karl Moss

Olive Davis                                                    Nina MacIntyre

Mable DeLamater                                        Norma MacGillivray

George DePuy                                             Guy Oliver

Marion DeVinney                                         Bernice Packard

Edna Dougherty                                           Ella Pearce

Ruth Doughty                                                Stuart Rowe

Anna Dow                                                     Donald Sanders

Olga Dunn                                                     Lulu Slocum

Kenneth Farner                                            Bruce Stevens

Martha Forquer                                            Percy Stirling

Iden Francis                                                 Beulah Sutton

Edward Gilpin                                             Charles Thayer

Phyllis Hagerty                                            Maurice Thorpe

Irene Hanlin                                                 Olive Trippe

Donald Hall                                                 Ruth Tucker

Gretchen Harrison                                     Verna Vedder

Eber Harris                                                 Ione Warner

Mildred Hileman                                         Karl Wile

Marguerite Hill                                            Bernard Woodruff

Minnie Hobbs


A. J. Duncanson,                                Principal Gifford Patch, Jr.

Miss Florence Delong                       Miss Grace Fasquelle

Mrs. Edith Rauch                                Miss Margaret Meyer

Miss Esther Smith                              Miss Adaline Thatcher

Ben Setterberg                                    Miss Ethel Johnson

Miss Beatrice Frater


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