Due to the amount of information in most of these weddings, I am only listing the date of marriage or newspaper date (nsp) and names. Some go into great detail in setting, gowns, decorations, etc., and do not feel this is necessary for genealogy
April 26, 1917 (nsp)
Elmer J. Muhn and Miss Vera Wilson of Mt. Pleasant, were married by Rev. J. H. Green. They will make their home on the Muhn farm two miles west of Alma.
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December 27, 1917 (nsp)
Miss Glennia Gruber and Mr. Earl Bayes, both of this village, were married at the home of the bride's parents. The couple will set up housekeeping at Mr. Bayes farm sourth-east of the village.
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April 25, 1917
Miss Ruth Struble of Shepherd and Mr. Archie Failing of Forest Hill were married at the home of the bride's parents by the Rev. T. W. Kimberling.
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March 15, 1917
Allen Courser and Lula Mae Nicholson of Deerfield township were married at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. Rose Courser and Floyd Nicholson acted as witnesses. The young couple will make their home in Deerfield.
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April 8, 1917
Clare J. F. Ruckle and Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richmond of 630 South Fancher Ave., Mt. Pleasant were married at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. J. H. Green. Miss Mae Coon and Dale Richmond attended.
A luncheon was served under the direction of Miss Gould.
They will make their home on the Ruckle farm in Chippewa for the present.
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October 11, 1917 (nsp)
Miss Eva Keith and Mr. Thomas Hannett were married at the home of the bride by the Rev. Dewey. Both are pioneers of Isabella county, Miss Keith having taught school in this vicinity for the past thirty years and Mr. Hannett has for years been one of our substantial citizens.
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March 6, 1917
John W. Smith of Fremont twp. and Miss Ada V. Taylor of Mt. Pleasant were married at the Mt. Pleasant Methodist Episcopal parsonage . Miss Terrea Hapnu and Carl Hapnu acting as witnesses. The newly married couple had acted as witnesses at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Hapnu in December.
Same date and hour
Fremont Uric of Fremont twp. and Miss Ethel Davis of Fremont were married, with the newly married Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith as witnesses.
The meeting of neighbors in this way was not planned and yet it was a pleasant surprise to all concerned.
Those present at these two weddings, besides the witnesses, were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor, Mrs. J. H. Taylor, Miss Ila Taylor, Miss Doris Taylor, and Master Donald Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith will take chard of his father farm in Fremont and Mr. and Mrs. Urie will occupy a farm near by.
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January 25, 1917 (nsp)
Cornelius Cuthbert of Union twp. and Miss Mayme Barrett of this city were married at the Sacred Heart church by the Rev. T. J. O'Connor. The young people were attended by Miss Kathryn Murray and Owen Barrett, brother of the bride.
A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride by Misses Louise McFarlane and Margaret Bamber.
The bride has been a clerk in the Hagan store the past four years.
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July 5, 1917
Roy E. Stickle and Miss Gertrude M. Struble were married at the Presbyterian church by Rev. Joseph Green. The young couple were attended by Bruce Vowles of this city and Miss Edith Griswold of Harvard, MI.
The guests that were present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Stickle, father and mother of the groom; Miss Lila and Ralph Stickle, brother and sister of the groom; Mrs. Mary J. Stickle and Mrs. E. J. Thorn, each grandmother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ferris, parents of the bride; Miss Coral Struble, sister of the bride; Mrs. Phillip Brownson and Mrs. Lucretia Sharp, of Mass.; Mrs. James Maybee, Miss Hazel Smith and Mrs. J. H. Green.
The groom is employed in the Normal Drug and Book store and the bride has been teaching in the Owosso schools the past year.
They will make their home in Alma.
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Seventeen Couples Enter the List
'For Better Or For Worse"
(no date other than 1917)
Harry Foster and Miss Veda Sanderson, both of Fremont twp. were married by the Rev. Joseph Green, at the Presbyterian manse
George Lockwood and Dorothy Williams of Isabella twp. were married by Rev. Joseph Green at the Presbyterian manse
Willard A. Holmes of Mt. Pleasant and Pauline Densmore of Alma were married by the Rev. J. H. Green at his home Xmas evening. Mr. Holmes is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Homes of E. Broadway.
Albert Moyes of Rosebush and Hazel Gilmore of Clare were married by the Rev. J. H. green at his home. Mr. Moyes is a lumber dealer in Rosebush and Miss Gilmore has been teaching school.
Frank Dixon of this city and Miss Della Randall of Beaverton were married in Saginaw. Miss Randall was formerly a teacher in Beaverton. They will spend a few days with Mr. Dixon's mother, Mrs. James Bilcox in Elsie, MI.
Private Ray Loney of Camp Custer, whose home is in Union twp., and Miss Pearl Esterline of Coldwater twp. were married at the Methodist parsonage in Mt. Pleasant the evening of December 22, 1917. They were accompanied by Blanche Thayer and Donald Loney of Mt. Pleasant, and the mothers of the contracting parties.
Theresa S., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hunter and Mr. Elmer C. Anderson were married at the home of the bride in Rosebush. The couple will be making their home in Fairplains, MI.
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February 24, 1917
Nile Dewey McFarren of Shepherd and Miss Lila B. Welch of this city were married at the home of the bride's parents at 150 Sanderson Ave. The couple was attended by Miss Zalda McFarren and M. A. McClellen. Rev. R. W. Traver officiated.
Mr. and Mrs. McFarren will reside at Shepherd.
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November 6. 1917
Lester J. Brady of Swartz Creek, MI and Miss Alta E. Gaudard of Deerfield were married at the Methodist parsonage by pastor, J. C. DeVinney. They were accompanied by Miss Allegra Guadard.
The young couple will make their home at Swartz Creek.
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(no date other than 1917)
Thomas G. Hicks and Miss Imogene Bigelow were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cook at 1416 Detroit Street, Flint, MI by the Rev. J. O. Crawford of the Central Christian church of that city.
Miss Bigelow was a Shepherd girl and Mr. Hicks has recently jointed the coast artillery and will leaves soon for the service.
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February 8, 1917 (nsp)
Simon Balanbecher and Miss Bernice Bush were married at Mt. Pleasant by the Rev. W. P. Murray.
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February 16, 1917
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Young entertained at a family dinner in honor of their 38th wedding anniversary. Mr. Young's aged sister was among the guests present .
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May 17, 1917
Dr. W. G. Rich of Shepherd, popular young dentist and Miss Hazel Lord of Traverse City were married at the M. e. Parsonage with Rev. Dewey officiating.
They will spend a few days in Gaylord, MI with Mr. Rich's parents and will reside in the Ed Ashworth house upon their return.
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September 27, 1917 (nsp)
Miss Beulah Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, and Mr. Harry Knitter, both of Muskegon were married at the home of the bride's grandparents, N. Johnson and wife on Sept 22nd.
The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Knitter, parents of the groom, John Johnson and wife, parents of the bride, Mr. and mrs. Walter White; Elsie, Vera and Ervin Knitter and Rolla Johnson, all of Muskegon.
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April 5, 1917 (nsp)
Miss Leona Landis and Mr. Roy Spink, two well known Shepherd young people were married at Mt. Pleasant by Squire Russell.
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