Due to the amount of information in most of these weddings, I am only listing the date of marriage or newspaper date (nsp) and names.  Some go into great detail in setting, gowns, decorations,  etc., and do not feel this is necessary for genealogy.


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March 19, 1914 (nsp)


Harry Brattin and Miss Mabel B. Fields were married at the home of her parents in Shepherd. (no parents/wits  listed) by Rev. C. E. Davis.


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August 6, 1914 (nsp)


Miss Ethel Seeley and Mr. Clyde Nichol were married at the home of her parents.  (no parents names listed)  by minister W. H. Clendon and wife as witness.


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December 24, 1914 (nsp)


Mr. Ludlor Nichols and Miss Flossie Hamilton were married in the M. E. parsanage by C. E. Davis.  They were accompanied by Mr. Very Hamilton, brother of the bride, and Miss Eliah Curtiss.  Mr. Nichols was employed by the Republican Newspaper.


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KEMMIS - (bride's name unreadable)


(There is no date other than 1914 on this article and all three of these marriages are listed on one article.

Mr. and Mrs. Schlafey were married by Rev. A. L. Rittis at the Baptish Church.  Miss Kaipe was a saleslady for Ben Goldman's Store.


No other information on the Kemmis marriage.


Hamilton - Vancore

Wedding took place at the Presbyterian manse by Rev. J. H. Green.  They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moore at whose home a wedding luncheon was served.


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(No date other than 1914)


  Mr. Guy Rench and Miss Mae Bronson were married by Rev. Davis at the Methodist parsonage.  They will make their home in Alma where Mr. Rench with the Alma Sugar Co.


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(no date other than 1914)


Miss Roxie Gilmore and Mr. E. B. Salisbury were united in marriage at the home of Mrs. Agnes Gilmore (brides mother) by Rev. C. E. Davis.


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(No date other than 1914)


The Fresno, CA Herald of March 17th ran the following marriage:

Miss Hazel Eugenia Faunce, recently of St. Louis, MI and E. Paul Hodshire, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hodshire, well known family of Kutner Colony were married at the St. Paul's Methodist Church by Rev. J. A. Wailes.  Mr. Hodshire is associated with the Beal Undertaking Parlors.  Miss Faunce is the youngest daughter of Mrs. C. P. Faunce.


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August 1914  (nsp)


Miss Mazie Johnson, eldest daughter of Mrs. Nettie Johnson and Leo Thomas were married at St. Louis, by Rev. Ford and will make their home in Saginaw where Mr. Thomas is employed.  (It also mentions that a miscellaneous shower was given the week prior to the wedding at the home of Miss Marion Walker.


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August 13, 1914  (nsp)


Marriage occured August 6th at the home of Mrs. A. Richardson, mother of the bride, of Coleman.   Lulu, youngest daughter was married to Lawrence Kyes, son of A. C. Kyes of near Shepherd.  He is a graduate of Ferris institute.  Miss Richardson was a school teacher for 3 years.  They will make their home in Michelson where Mr. Kyes is employed as agent for the G. R. and I. R. R. Co.


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June 1, 1914


Ralph Short and Miss Gladys Showalter were married at the Christian Church parsonage by Rev. W. P. Murray.  They are making their home on Pine St.


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(no date other than 1914)


Richard McDonald, better known as "Dick", and Miss Marcella Kirkconnell were married at Mt. Pleasant Sunday.


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Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Robinson of Crawford

August 23rd, 1914


Event was at the home of Mr. and Mrs.  Robinson with these people in attendence:  Mae and Chas. Davis of Delphos, OH;  Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of Pleasant Valley (father and mother of the groom);  also a Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carey and two children of Clare, MI (brother of the groom); Mr. and Mrs. Gover and two children of Loomis and Bert Longstreth and son of Beaverton, MI; and Mrs. A. Longstreth of Scott, OH (mother and brother of the bride).


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July 8, 1914


Wedding took place at the home of F. A. McFarren where their daughter, Cecil, was married to John B. Cluley of Dillon, Montana by Rev. J. H. Green of Mt. Pleasant.  The bride's sister, Zalda, acted as bridesmaid.

Mr. Cluley is a graduate from C. S. Normal College at Mr. Pleasant and held the position as Head of Dept of Manual Training and Drawing in 1912/1913 and now has taken up similar work in the Montana State Normal College of Dillon.  Miss McFarren holds a life's certificate from Mt. Pleasant Normal and has been teaching in West Branch, Michigan for 5 years.


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April 1, 1914


Wedding took place at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Perrine in Coe.  The ceremony was preformed by Rev. J. Creech .  Music was played by Miss Vera Henry and Miss Rebeca Nesen, sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid and V. O. Perrine, brother of the bride as best man.  They will be making their home in Cadillac on their farm.


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January 15, 1914


The occasion took place at Mr. and Mrs. Gofnett's home in Chippewa on January 9th.  Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Goffnett were married in Buffalo in 1864 and in 1881 moved to Michigan and settled two miles south and west of Mt. Pleasant.  In 1885 they moved to Chippewa township, where they now live.

States that the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren; in all about 40 people were present, except Edward and Franklin.

The out of town guests were Mrs. Walter McFee and granddaughter, little Helen Robertson of Pontiac.


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November 1914


Lloyd Krick of Chippewa twp and Anna Flannery of Union twp., and Forest Bowman of Lincoln twp., and Nellie Krick of Chippewa twp were married Nov 2(?) at the Evangelicial parsonage on E. Broadway by pastor, Rev. W. Kring.


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November 5, 1914 (nsp)


Wedding took place at the home of the bride, Miss Harriet Preston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Preston of this city and Clarence Hokenson of Chicago by Rev. Jos. H. Green of the Presbyterian church.  The bride was attended by Miss Helen Marsh and best man was C. E. Boman of Chicago, close friend of the groom.  Sister of the bride, Mrs. Lloyd Cole, played the music and Miss Ruth VanLeuven sang.

Mr. and Mrs. Hokenson will make their home at Berwyn, Ill.

Out of town guests were:  Mrs. Hokenson, mother of the groom and Mrs. George Hukenson, a sister-in-law, both from Minneapolis;  Miss Marguerite Preston, cousin of the bride from Flint;  Miss Ethel Pretson, a sister from Berwyn;  Harold Preston and wife, brother of the bride from Flint; and Misses Edith Mansell and Ruth VanLeuven from Clare.


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November 5, 1914 (nsp)


Miss Laura Balch and Rev. Cecil H. Bacon of Clear Lake, Wisc., were married October 29th at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Balch of Shepherd by Rev. C. E. Davis.

Music was played by Miss Fannie Balch, sister of the bride and refreshments were served by Miss Hazel Balch and Mrs. L. G. Balch.

Both are graduates of the Chicago Evangelistic Institute and Rev. Bacon is pastor of the Methodist church at Canour, S. Dak., where the young couple will be making their home after a short visit to Clear Lake, Wisc.


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May 30, 1914


Miss Nellie Wilkie of Lincoln and William S. Robinson of Union were married May 30th, 1914.  They were entertained at the home of the groom with supper and ice cream and cake in the evening.

Those present from away were:  William Robinson of Pleasant Valley, grandfather of the groom;  Miss Anna Wilkie of Lansing, Misses Ella and Wilma Regan of Cadillac;  Raymond and Christy Torpey and Miss Trisilla Wilkie of Mt. Pleasant, relatives of the bride.


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(no date other than 1914)


Mrs. Mary McMacken of this city and Mr. Henry Stilgenbauer, living near Shepherd, were married at the home of the bride on South Normal St., by Rev. Murray of the Christian church.  Dinner was served by a nephew of Mrs. McMacken, M. L. Billings.


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November 26, 1914


Thanksgiving day, at the home of Mrs. Eva McClellan of Shepherd was celebrated the 46th wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. E. G. Faunce.  Merie McClellen acting as toast master.

Those present were:  Mr. and Mrs. E. Faunce,  Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Shepherd, Eva McClellan,  Merle McClellan,  Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Faunmce & Harold and Wilcox Faunce.


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November 26, 1914 (nsp)


Charles Dubois, jewelryman of Shepherd and Miss Mary Gehrett were married at the home of the groom's mother, Mrs. Emma Dubois at Alma by Rev. J. C. Meese of the St. Louis church officiating.

They will make their home with Mrs. Dubois'; father, N. Gehrett near Shepherd for the winter but expect to move to the village in the spring.


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(from the Erie (PA) Times)

(no date other than 1914)


Miss Genevleve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Axtel and Chester Wingate of Albany, Indiana were married at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Axtel of 615 W. 11th Street, parents of the bride.  Married by Rev. John C. a. Borland of the East Tenth Street M. E. Church.

Our of the city guests present were:  Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wingate of Muncie, Ind, parents of the groom;  Mrs. Chas. Dupont and Miss Elizabeth Bell of Cochranton, PA;  Miss Helen Eischeman of Franklin, PA and Miss Katherine Axtel of Meadville, PA

After a short wedding trip the couple will make their home in Albany, Ind, where Mr. Wingate is employed in insurance and real estate.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Axtel and daughter were former residents of Shepherd.


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Jan. 8, 1914 (nsp)

(Marriage took place Dec. 25, 1913)


Lenora Gilson and Delbert Doyle were married in the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Gilson of Alembie, on Christmas Day.

Ceremony was preformed by Elder Pickner.

They were attended by the bride's cousin, Miss Verla Gilson of Coleman and Emmet McBride.

The outside guests were:  Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wixon and children of Coleman.

They will set up housekeeping in their own home near Shepnerd.


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June 1914 (nsp)


Miss Marion Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Preston and Lloyd Cole, son of Mrs. Alice Cole were married at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. B. A. Hills of the Unitiarian church.

Miss Barbara Granger acted as bridesmaid and Lyle Cole, brother of the groom, acted as best man.

Misses Harriet and Ethel Preston rendered the music.

The Misses Doris Francis, Helen Vowles, Lucile Weidman and Dorothy Dodds served.

The couple will make their home in Ann Arbor.


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June 15, 1914 (nsp)


Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iraid Struble and Mr. Ward Bronson were married at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. C. E. Davis.


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July 9, 1914 (nsp)


Irvin Myers of Midland Co., and Miss Ruth Stahl of Coe were united in marriage at the Evangelical parsonage, Rev. Kring officiating.  Mr. and Mrs. Myers will make their home on a farm in Midland.


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October 22, 1914 (nsp)


Ray McArthur of Broomfield and Miss Ruth Gilmore of Shepherd were married by Rev. J. B. Pinckard.  Miss Gilmore is a graduate of the chepherd schools and a former Normal student.  She has been teaching near Remus the past two years.


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