Colors - Lavender and White President - Welbie Fuller Vice President - Margueriette Swan Secretary - Frank Davidson Treasurer - Merle Palmer
First Row: Wealthia Potter, Marcelle LaFromboise, Josephine Hursh, Frank Davidson, Mary Orser, Merle Palmer, Margueriette Swan Second Row: Merna Brookens, Enova Anspaugh, Welbie Fuller, Laura Kinney, Donald Houghton, Florence Wright Third Row: Floyd Crotser, Fay Wille, Lizzie Fisher, Clifford McMacken, Gerald Stilwell, Lena Dougherty, Ruth Cavanagh Fourth Row: Roy Shiverdecker, Mildred Allen, Lionen Dunlap, Flossie Maxwell, Harry Trainor, Grace Bilcox, Frances Root
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