1908 Nottawa Township School Census


School Census of the Township of Nottawa, County of Isabella for the school year ending July 13, 1908

KEY: Date of Birth is for those age 5 and 19 at the time of the census; the date of birth is entered as entered by the enumerator.
         All spellings of names, both given and surname, are as the enumerator recorded them.
         A district library was established in 1907.
         Explanation of the relationship to the child is given if it is not the parent in the column Full Name of Parent or Legal Guardian.
         There were 19 children in the district between the ages of 14 and 18, however only 5 of those children attended school.

NAME OF CHILDAgeDate of birth of those 5 and 19NAME OF PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIANADDRESSDistrictTeacherEnumerator
Carra Simmer7 Joseph & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Johney Simmer56/14/1902Joseph & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J. Yuncker
Julius Monot17 Julius & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Eddie Monot16 Julius & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Theador Monot11 Julius & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Inice Monot11 Julius & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Loues Monot8 Julius & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Anna Monot6 Julius & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Thressa Ege12 Joseph & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Toney Ege11 Joseph & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Rossa Ege9 Joseph & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Wain Lommus18 Tom & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Ward Lommus17 Tom & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Ettie Lommus11 Tom & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Herold Lommus8 Tom & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Mildred Lommus7 Tom & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J. Yuncker
Floyed Emmens7 Ward & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Glades Bellows1911/14/1888R. W. BellowsWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Fanna Bellows15 R. W. BellowsWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Charlie Bellows13 R. W. BellowsWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Madge Grewett11 Elfred & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Marion Grewett8 Elfred & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Luciel Grewett59/3/1902Elfred & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Birthy Irish15 J. Venwormer & WifeWeidman, RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Eddie Yuncker15 Henry J. & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Eleanor Yuncker13 Henry J. & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Freddie Yuncker10 Henry J. & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
George Yuncker8 Henry J. & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Willie Yuncker7 Henry J. & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Johey Yuncker512/1/1902Henry J. & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
T. J. French8 Robert & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Elva French6 Robert & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Elfred French52/23/1903Robert & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Verney Parks195/29/1889Will & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Floyd Parks17 Will & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Leon Parks15 Will & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Minna Parks13 Will & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Iva Parks8 Will & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Geneveve Rilley18 Will & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Marrie Balge7 Benard & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Delphine Balge53/31/1903Benard & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Herbert Straus8 Crist & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Mageretta Straus7 Crist & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Leon McColum15 Cal McColumFarwell RFD No. 16Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Katie Martin7 Joseph & WifeBeal City6Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Amos Gachter12 Joseph & WifeWeidman RFD No.26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Charlie Gachter6 Joseph & WifeWeidman RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Marrie Weber17 David & WifeWeidman RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J.Yuncker
Clemence Weber15 David & WifeWeidman RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J. Yuncker
Thresa Grose17 Katie GroseFarwell RFD No. 16Katie BurchH. J. Yuncker
Frenkey Grose14 Katie GroseFarwell RFD No. 16Katie Burch H. J. Yuncker
Lissa Grose11 Katie Grose Farwell RFD No. 16Katie BurchH. J. Yuncker
Willie Faber18 Theador & WifeWeidman RFD No. 26Katie Burch H.J. Yuncker
Ernest Faber16 Theador & WifeWeidman RFD No. 26Katie Burch H.J. Yuncker
Polena Faber11 Theador & WifeWeidman RFD No. 26Katie Burch H. J. Yuncker
Clarra Faber57/15/1902 Theador & WifeWeidman RFD No. 26Katie BurchH. J. Yuncker
Anna Smith12 Joseph & WifeWeidman RFD No. 26Katie Burch H. J. Yuncker
Willie Smith9 Joseph & WifeWeidman RFD No. 26Katie Burch H. J. Yuncker
George Smith57/10/1902 Joseph & WifeWeidman RFD No.26Katie Burch H. J. Yuncker


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