
Wm. N. Brown, John C. Leaton, Fred F. Huntress.

Isabella County Abstract Office. We have a  complete set of Abstracts of Isabella County. Also, 4000 acres of hard wood farming lands for sale. Prices low; terms easy. Title perfect



Brown & Leaton, Attorneys-at-Law, and Dealers in Real Estate.
Devereaux, M., Attorney-at-Law, Prosecuting Attorney Isabella County.
Fancher & Dodds, Lawyers

Graves, H. H., Attorney and Solicitor, Carr & Granger Block.

Hopkins & Smith, Lawyers

Partridge, D. Scott, Attorney.

Russell, Chas. T., Attorney-at-Law

Tinker, Asa M., Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.

Maxwell, John, Attorney-at-Law, and Real Estate Dealer.



Hicks, Bennett & Co., Bankers. A. B. Upton, Cashier.


Barbers and Hair Dressers

Elsworth, Henry, Barber and Hair Dresser, at Millbrook.

Freeney, John H., Barber and Hair Dresser. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Ladies’ Switches, Puffs, Curls, etc. etc.



Daniels, Joseph M., Blacksmith and General Jobber. Horseshoeing a specialty.

Manners, Wm. H., Blacksmithing

McNeill, Wm., General Blacksmithing. Making and  Repairing Canada Plows a specialty. Horseshoeing and repairing of all kinds, in my line, promptly  attended to Calkinsville, Mich.



Gordon, Alexander, Brick Manufacturer. Brick made with Hall's Improved Brick Machine.


Boots and Shoes

Hall, Alex., Manufacturer and dealer in Boots and Shoes.


Carpenters, Joiners, and Builders

Foster, S. A., Carpenter, Builder, and Millwright.

Fox, John, Carpenter and Joiner. Plans and specifications furnished on short notice. Millwrighting a  specialty.

Hapner, H. B., Carpenter and Joiner

McKinnon, C.A., Carpenter and Joiner.

Shattuck, E. B., House Joiner. Building in general,  With some little inventive genius.

Smith, Wm., Carpenter, Joiner, and Cabinetmaker. Lives on Section 18, Chippewa Township.

Smith, Paul, Carpenter, Joiner, and Millwright.

Slater, Chas., Carpenter and Joiner. Plans and specifications furnished for building. Orders for bridge building solicited.

Stewart, D. W., Carpenter and Joiner. Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing done.

Warner, C. L., Carpenter and Joiner.

Whitney, C.C., Carpenter and Builder.

Witt, D. M., Carpenter and Joiner

Wilcox, I.E., Carpenter and Joiner

Winter, C. J. Carpenter and Builder

Bouchey, James, Carpenter and Joiner. Sec. 28, Vernon Township, P.O. Clare


Carriage Maker

  Westervelt, Theo., Carriage and Sleigh Builder


Drugs, etc.

Carr & Granger, Drugs, Groceries, Crockery, and Lumberman supplies.

Graves, V., Druggist and Chemist.


County Officers

Brooks, Chas. M., County Sheriff

Brodie, A., County Treasurer.
Hance, John W., County Clerk and Register of Deeds.
Devereaaux, M., Prosecuting Attorney
Johnson, J. Q. A., Judge of Probate
Herrington, A. K., County Surveyor

Howarth, G. W., Superintendent of the Poor.

Lyon, D. E., Deputy Clerk and Register.


Dry Goods and General Merchandise

Doughty, W., Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,

CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,

Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Carpetings, Etc.

Graves, Willard I., Dealer in General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Notions, Etc.

Nelson, D. H., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing.

Bogan, Cornelius, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, and Farming Implements. Also Notary Public. Calkinsville.



Bamber, Wm., Resident Farmer

Beckley, Wm., Farmer
Grinnell, G. F., Farmer
Whitney, R. G., Farmer and Drayman.
Isbell, E., Farmer and Teamster.

Flour, Feed, and Grain

Buckley, T. & Co., Dealers in Flour, Feed, Corn, and Provisions



Balcom, David C., Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture and Picture Framing. Also General Undertaker and Dealer in Undertaker’s Goods.

Denton, H. A., General Dealer in Furniture, Picture Framer, etc. Also Undertaker.


Rhoades, J., Gardener. Small fruits and vegetables for sale.


Groceries, Provisions, etc.

Carr & Granger, Groceries and Lumbermen’s supplies.

Dusenberry, Bros., Dealers in Groceries, Boots, Shoes, and Crockery

McDonald, Frank C., Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Crockery, and Glassware.

Ryan, D., Dealer in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, etc.

Swart, T. W., Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, etc.



Doughty, Bros., Dealers in General Hardware, Agricultural Implements, etc.



Alger, Frank, Proprietor Alger House, Clare, Mich.

First-class accommodations for the traveling public; charges reasonable. Livery in connection with the house. Mt. Pleasant hack line stops at hotel.

Brown, Virgil K., Proprietor St. James Hotel. House refitted and refurnished. Good Sample Rooms; good barn. Terms moderate. Cor. Church and Broadway.

Bush, James L., Proprietor Bush House, Calkinsville. this house is newly renovated and furnished. Good stable in connection with the house.

Vansice, James N., Proprietor Bamber House.



Shattuck & Stahlman, Inventors and owners of the "Yankee Dutchman" Waterwheel.

Jeweller and Watchmaker

Thompson, C.H., Dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jeweller. Repairing done on short notice and warranted.


Land Looker

Hillock, Robert, Land Looker, and Estimator of Pine Lands



Brower, G. W., Lumberman, Saw, and Planing Mills.

Pickard, Thomas, Lumberman.

Pickard, William, Lumberman.

Wilson, W.H. & F.A. Lumbermen, Sec. 7, Vernon Tp.



Brown, Moses, General Tradesman and Livery.

Lynch, John, Proprietor of Livery and Sales Stable.

Saxton, Wm. H., Livery and Boarding Stable


Mason, Builder, etc.

Shaffer, J.M., Mason and Builder, and Dealer in Lime,  Hair, Cement and Stucco.


Machine Shop and Foundry

Proctor & Bamber, Proprietors of Mt. Pleasant Foundry and Machine Shop Planning Mill.  Mouldings of all kinds a specialty


Meat Market

Marz, John, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats, and Sausages of all kinds.  Proprietor Central Meat Market.



  Chatfield, E.G., Mechanic


Money to Loan

Nelson, D. H., General Dealer. Money to loan on real estate.


Mills and Millers

Beckley, William, Proprietor Sun Flour Mill, and Bristol Saw Mill.  Dealer in Grain, Flour, Feed, and Lumber.  Mills on Sec. 23, Rolland Township, P. O. Rowland.


Owen, Clinton & Co., Proprietors Steam Saw Mill, Dealers in and Manufacturers of Lumber, Lath, and 


Darrow, J., Proprietor Steam Saw Mill, Dealer in Lumber. Custom sawing done to order. Mill on Sec. 16, Lincoln Township, P.O. Crawford.

Harris, Bros. & Co., Grist and Flouring Millers, Dealers in  Flour, Feed, and Grain. Cash paid for all kinds of grain.

Darrow, J., Proprietor Steam Saw mill, Dealer in Lumber. Custom sawing done to order. Mill on Sec. 16, Lincoln Township, P.O. Crawford.

Harris, Bros. & Co. Grist and Flouring Millers, Dealers in Flour, Feed, and Grain. Cash paid for all kinds of grain.

Wilson, W.H. & F.A., Proprietors, and Dealers in Lumber and Shingles. A good assortment on hand. P.O. Farwell. Mill on Sec 13, Vernon Township.

Brower, G.W., Lumberman, Saw and Planing Mill.


Novelty Works

Brace, James H., Proprietor of the Mt. Pleasant Novelty works.  Panning Machine and Re-sawing.  Also all descriptions of Fancy Wood and Bone Turning, Scroll Sawing, Brackets, Circle Moulding, Newell Posts, Stair and Porch Balusters, Porch Columns, and Furniture Trimming of all kinds. Saws gummed, and general job work of every description done to order.



The Isabella County Enterprise, A Republican Journal. Terms $1.50, if paid in advance. J. R. Doughty,  Editor and Proprietor.

The Isabella Times. An Independent Family Journal. Terms $1.50. of paid in advance. James W. Long, Editor.


Painter and Glazier

Simonds, Wm. H., Painter, Glazier, and Paper Hanger.


Physicians and Surgeons

Corbus, W. J., Physician and Surgeon

Fasquelle, M. F., Physician and Surgeon
Miller & Haskell, Physicians and Surgeons
Richmond, P.E., Physician and Surgeon
Stoner, J. J., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon


Elsworth, Henry, Photographer at Millbrook.

Freeney, John H., Photographer. Rooms over Freeney’s Barber Shop.


Pump Manufacturer

Barnes, E., Owner and manufacturer of Barnes’s “Lift Pump".


Real Estate

Arnold, I. E., Dealer in Real Estate.

Bennett, C., Dealer in Real Estate.

Brown & Leaton, Dealers in Real Estate.

Graves, Willard I., Real Estate Dealer and Speculator.

Hance, J. W. Dealer in Real Estate.

Maxwell, John, Real Estate Dealer.


Stock Dealer

Converse, Jas. A., Spring Side Farm. Breeder of, and dealer in thoroughbred Ayrshire Cattle. P. O. Clare, Mich



Brown, Geo. D., Teacher of Common Schools. Also Teacher of Vocal Music.  Residence W 1/2 N. E. 1/4 Sec. 36, Deerfield Township, P.O. Mt. Pleasant, Mich.


Thoroughbred Horses

Coon, Chas. E., has purchased of Peter Duryea, of N.Y. City the bay gelding “Jim Allen”, 5 years old, by Wm. M. Rysdyke; Dam by Ashland.He is 15 ¼ hands high; firm, free action, slashing gait, and trots with the greatest ease. He has no public record, but can show at any time a 2.30 gait. Also purchased from the same party the nine-year old trotting stallion, young Bashaw (no record), but recently showed a trot of 2.26, the latter well regulated to the stud. P. O. St. Louis. Residence Sec. 12, Coe Tp., Isabella County.

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